We are well into the New Year and are hoping that all gym goers are still working on their health and fitness goals for 2020. For all fitness goers alike, there are common misconceptions that may steer you the wrong way and therefore not elicit the goals that you are intending to conquer.
YAC Fit and YAC Personal Trainer, Lawrence Fiander, has a list of common misconceptions for weight lifters that will help clear up some confusion and hopefully answer questions that you have had when it comes to pumping iron. Here’s what Lawrence has to say:
Misconception #1: High Reps Will Make Me “Toned”
-First off what I think most people mean when they are trying to get “toned” is achieve a lower body fat percentage and build muscle. They way to get this isn’t from high reps, but a caloric deficit with adequate protein intake. Lifting weights themselves does not burn a lot of calories like some [may] think. So to think a certain rep range will burn fat more than others is false. So get your diet right and add the right amount of cardio.
Misconception #2: Certain Rep Ranges Build More Muscle
-No, believe it or not, 5 reps will build muscle just like 20 reps will if you push yourself during both. Is there an optimal range for hypertrophy? Kind of, and that would be 6-12 reps. Why? Well, 1-5 rep range increases change for injury and 12 reps require more recovery without much added benefit. But, the key to building muscle is to show up and lift consistently. So do whatever will keep you going back to the gym.
Misconception #3: Soreness = GAINZ BRUH
-Sorry to tell you, but no. Soreness is an indicator that your body is unfamiliar with the stimulus or exercise. (Soreness is also inherited when performing eccentric muscle contractions). For instance, I am used [to] training a powerlifting split and if I was to go a cardio based class with a lot of repetitions, I would get sore. I would get sore because I am not used to the stimulus, not necessarily because of muscle growth. The key to muscle growth is progressive overload! Add more weight, add another set, do it in less time, do it more per week. So, do not chase soreness and instead chase intensity, time, volume, and frequency.
Misconception #4: Switching Up My Workouts Will “Shock” My Muscles and They Will Grow
-Muscles adapt to stimulus. You cannot shock a muscle. It can even be said that constantly switching up your workouts can hinder muscle growth. It is hard to progressively overload when you are always doing something new. It is also hard to master a movement when you are always doing something else. Does it help with boredom? Yes, but at what cost? Find a good balance.